聖母升天節Assumption Day

Pina McWang
4 min readAug 13, 2021



Before going to La Notte di San Rocco, the date is just right — 15th Aug in western calendar isn’t the mid-autumn festival, but the Assumption Day for Catholics. It was also a family gathering day at Roberto’s.


There were nine people for lunch at Roberto’s — five from his immediate family, three from his uncle’s, and myself, a self-invited guest. The first dish was a cold dish of octopus salad, a bit sour and very tasty. The second dish was octopus with tomato sauce, cooked by Roberto’s brother[1] — heavily flavoured and you can dip the bread in the sauce. After the two dishes I was full, and thought that we were done. Then Roberto’s mum went off to cook the spaghetti — for Italians, the spaghetti should be a bit chewy, not completely soft[2]. I froze when I saw spaghetti, and whispered to Roberto ‘sorry, I thought there were only those two dishes, so I’ve already eaten a lot… quite full now.’ Roberto told me not to stress and to eat as much or as little as I could. I managed to clear 2/3 of spaghetti from my plate, then there were two more fish dishes… and I ate them. After that there was Tiramisu… then ice cream, followed by coffee… when the lunch was finally over it was half past 4 in the afternoon.

稍微耗呆了一個小時之後(當蘿蔔頭叔叔一家告辭之後),蘿蔔頭說,那好,我們走吧。於是我們去了聖馬利亞琉卡角(Santa Maria di Leuca),是義大利最最南端的一角,來這裡是為了看這個:

After spacing out for an hour (when Roberto’s uncle and family had left), Roberto said, alright, let’s go. So we went to Santa Maria di Leuca, which is the south-most tip of Italy, and we were there to see this:


The ships were in a ceremonial parade of a funeral, similar to the walk holding the coffin to the grave. The ships departed in order, where the biggest ship led the way and small ones followed, to recognise that the Blessed Virgin Mary ascended into Heaven with her body and soul. After watching the ceremony for a while, we walked around Santa Maria di Leuca, which was filled with street vendors, and quite similar to the night market in Taiwan. There were a lot of vendors selling shaved ice, which was extremely basic — a huge chunk of ice, with a file grating ice out of it, then adding on different flavours of sauce, and that was it. Roberto recommended me to get a block of ice if I ever want to have a different career.

[1] 蘿蔔頭他弟第一次見面原本是在念獸醫系的,結果最後做了廚師。The first time I met Roberto’s brother, he was studying veterinary. He ended up being a chef — here’s his webstie https://chefalessandronegro.co.uk/

[2] 義大利一九八三年的經典老歌 L’italiano 的歌詞就寫著Buongiorno Italia gli spaghetti al dente — 意思就是用有嚼勁的義大利麵和義大利說早安。The classic Italian song from 1983, L’italiano, has lyrics stating ‘Buongiorno Italia gli spaghetti al dente’, meaning ‘Good morning Italy with the chewy spaghetti.’

無三小路用通識之南義美食 Useless Common Sense of Southern Italian Delicacy


In my Italian trip in August, I also visited Marcello whose family lives in Salento like Roberto’s, and Stella whose family is in Sicily. The whole August was spent in a loop — excessive sun exposure by the sea in the late morning / early afternoon, dance the night away, then home to recharge at dawn.


Italians finish up the sauce in the dishes too, so having bread in a meal is essential, as one can then use the bread to dip into the sauce. Marcello told me that at times his grandma would get up at a crack of dawn so she can spend the whole morning cooking the sauce — this is how important the sauce is to the local dishes.

Dish in Salento
Finish the sauce!


In Sicily I had the locally invented granita, a bit like Slurpee from 7–11 convenient store, with the difference being that you can eat the granita with the brioche (i.e. dip the brioche into the granita)… maybe it is possible to dip the bread into any food in south Italy?

Granita with brioche (heart)



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