聖羅科之夜 La Notte di San Rocco

Pina McWang
5 min readAug 2, 2021



August in Italy is a month of holiday for all Italians. In my first year working in Luxembourg, most, if not all, of my Italian colleagues had taken a full month of leave to spend the summer in Italy. So I invited myself to tour around peninsula Italy according to the geographic locations of my Italian friends’ hometowns.

我計畫下來的第一站是普利亞(Puglia) 南區薩倫托( Salento)裡萊切省(Lecce) 阿夸里卡德爾卡波(Acquarica del Capo)區的蘿蔔頭家。但是離萊切市(萊切省的省府也叫萊切)最近的機場,巴里 (Bari) ,也是單向兩個小時的車程。蘿蔔頭拖著他弟開了兩個小時的車來接我晚上九點多的班機,又開了兩個小時的車回阿夸里卡德爾卡波(Acquarica del Capo)。這是我第一次到義大利,沒想到就到了義大利半島靴子形狀的靴跟上。

The first stop of the tour is Roberto’s home at Acquarica del Capo, within Lecce province, which is at the south peninsula, Salento, of the region Puglia. However the closest airport to Lecce city, Bari, is at least 2-hour away by car — one way. Roberto dragged his brother along on the 2-hour journey to pick me up when my flighted landed post 9pm, then drove another 2-hour to get back to Acquarica del Capo. This was my first time in Italy, and it just so happened that I landed myself at the heel of the boot (shape of Italy peninsula).

菇狗地圖上的阿夸里卡德爾卡波 / Acquarica del Capo on Google map


I was shocked at how people parked at the airport. There were cars parked in the authorised parking spaces, however there were more cars parked around those legally parked cars in the unauthorised areas, by completely blocking those cars. Everyone had their emergency indicators on, got out of the cars, and just chatting away with other drivers who were also illegally parked. Roberto was unphased about the scene. It’s killing time while waiting for people to arrive, he said.


We stopped over at a pastry shop before arriving at Roberto’s. In fact the shop was more a blend of pastry and coffee shop, which sells sandwiches, pastries, and tons of different flavours of ice cream. When we got to the shop it was already past midnight, and there were still groups of kids (age 2 to 10+) with their parents buying ice cream. Roberto ordered some ham and cheese croissants while I stared at assorted ice cream. I asked Roberto why weren’t the kids in bed at this hour? He said it’s like this during summer, everyone, including kids, stay up late; that’s the norm. I felt that I had entered into a new world.


The big event in Salento was the Night of Saint Roch (La Notte di San Rocco) in Torrepaduli. The celebration started the night before Saint Roch’s feast, and with the celebration there was the traditional music pizzica, with tambourine and accordion being the most seen instruments played. When people formed a circle with their tambourine playing pizzica, others can freely jump into the circle to dance or fencing (with fingers); normally there’d be just two people in one go. Rules for fencing is that you do not attack the face, and if one touched the other’s body then the fight is over, with the winner to remain in the circle for others to challenge. If it’s a dance between a male and a female, then the two cannot have any body contacts, with the female having a scarf in hand, continuously leaping and hopping, fast or slow, to keep the male on his toes. While the male would dance in circular movements (also with his arms holding out in half circle) around the female. If the female likes the male, she will give him the scarf at the end of the dance.

伴隨皮齊卡音樂的舞蹈 / Dance with pizzica music; WSJ 對pizzica 的介紹 / Article from WSJ on pizzica: https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB128164458248227281

聖羅科之夜一開始的典故是驅魔儀式。話說在以前女人地位低落,種種原因使得某些婦女出現異狀,婦女的家庭為了遮醜,說婦女是被傳說的taranta蜘蛛咬了才行為異常。為了尋求治癒,在每年聖羅科祭典的時候婦女的家人會帶她們到聖羅科的教堂請求治癒。為了取悅聖羅科,家人們請來樂師伴奏,婦女隨著音樂不斷跳動旋轉,而為了避免婦女旋轉跌倒,會有一個男人圍繞著旋轉的婦女以防萬一,聽說這是 聖羅科之夜一開始的由來。

The origin of the Night of Saint Roch celebration started as an exorcism. Back then when women had low social status, there were various reasons caused women to behave irrationally. To rationalise the abnormal behaviours, the family of these women would claim that they were bitten by a legendary spider — taranta. The family would bring the unwell women to come to the church of Saint Roch on the Saint’s feast to seek for healing. To praise Saint Roch, the family would pay for musicians to play music, and the unwell women would dance / spin continuously. To avoid the woman fell down from non-stop spinning, a man would hold out his arms around the woman to prevent the collapse on the floor. And there you have it, the legendary origin of the Night of Saint Roch.


And the reason for the celebration at night? Transportation wasn’t as convenient back then, and to ensure one can arrive at the church on time for Saint Roch’s feast (16th Aug), people would start travelling the day before, and arrive at the night before.


There were different dancers in every circle, and the music for each circle was different too. The tradition of dancing pizzica is to dance barefoot, but to dance barefoot on the uneven brick road is pretty painful. The musicians cannot use instruments which are too loud, or use amplifier, electronic instruments, etc., to avoid affecting musicians of other circles.


Roberto danced the night away in one circle after another, and when he was finally done, it was already 5.30am. As we dragged our tired arses home at dawn, nonnos (granddads) and nonnas (grandmas) were out getting ready for the feast of Saint Roch.

[1] 聖羅科在天主教是狗、病人、被栽贓的人、單身者等等的守護聖人。Saint Roch (Italian: San Rocco) is a patron saint of dogs, invalids, of falsely accused people, bachelors, and several other things.

[2] 聖羅科之夜和蜘蛛之夜(La Notte della Taranta)不一樣,雖然是同一個晚上的慶典,但是聖羅科之夜是有五十年歷史的的慶典,而蜘蛛之夜是為了觀光而開發的、為期兩個禮拜的慶典,有十來年歷史。The Night of Saint Roch and the Night of Taranta are different, despite the two are both celebrations on the same night. The Night of Saint Roch celebration has been around for more than half a century, while the Night of Taranta celebration has been around for over a decade, and it started off for the tourism purpose, with the celebration lasts for 2 weeks.

無三小路用通識之逃稅兵法 Useless Common Sense of The Art of War — Tax Avoidance


It was past 11pm when we got to Torrepaduli, and Roberto and his brother decided that we should have dinner then. So we bought some burgers with patties made of horse meat / cow intestines, and alcohol in recycled plastic bottles from stalls on the street.


I asked Roberto why the alcohols were sold in the recycled plastic bottles. He explained that the alcohols were privately brewed by the vendors, and to avoid being caught for selling alcohols illegally without the required license, vendors sell alcohols in the recycled plastic bottles. Tax avoidance is such an art of war for all street vendors.



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