香腸爆炸率 Sausage explosion rate

Pina McWang
2 min readSep 3, 2021



One day colleague A pointed to his injured elbow and raised his voice, ‘did you know what happened?!’ And my normal dick response was ‘of course not.’ Colleague A was likely used to my passive aggressive response, so he just continued with his story. Apparently a sausage exploded while he was BBQing, and it was the fat from the sausage burning the skin of his elbow. I suspected that he wasn’t looking for sympathy when he shared the story with me, because I burst out laughing. When I told Mr McWang about this, he calmly replied, ‘that’s why we called them bangers, as in ‘bangers and mash’ in UK.’


The reply sparked my curiosity (likely derive from my non-linear logic), so is it easy to have sausage explosion? Google almighty has showed me that it ain’t as almighty as I’d expected it… all I can find, after various attempts, is 1) the court overturned the case where an Irish woman was originally awarded for EUR 10 grand in a civil action over ‘exploding sausage’, 2) sausage company plant explosion caused 8 deaths; 3) at a diner, the flaming chorizo sausage dish burnt out of control when a waiter topped it up with rum — one badly injured and hospitalised for two weeks. Amongst the findings, only the first case was similar to what colleague A experienced.


(一) 爆炸的香腸(凶器):是當地肉販自製的牛肉香腸。

(二) 爆炸的時間:周末。

(三) 爆炸的場合:燒烤。雪梨。

(四) 爆炸的人員(被害者):中青年澳洲男性白人。

Let’s go back to the crime scene:

1. Sausage of explosion (weapon): homemade beef sausage from a local butcher

2. Timing of explosion: weekend

3. Platform of explosion: BBQ grill

4. Personnel of explosion (victim): mid-age white male Aussie


· 肉販店:新南威爾斯州有1,165間;澳洲共有 3,333 間 (1)

· 家裡有燒烤器具的百分比(二零一五年數據):雪梨61.7%;澳洲 63.7% (2)

· 三十六歲到四十五歲男性人口數(二零一八年數據):約一百六十萬人(3)

· 食用牛肉對所有肉類的機率比:20% (4)

· 食用香腸對所有加工肉類的機率比:43.5% (5)

What’s the relationship between Australia and meat?

· # of butchers: 1,165 in NSW, 3,333 in Aussie (1)

· % of household having BBQ grill (2015 statistics): 61.7% Sydney, 63.7% Aussie total (2)

· # of male ages 36 to 45 (2018 statistics): ~1.6 million (3)

· Likelihood of consuming beef amongst all type of meat: 20% (4)

· Likelihood of consuming sausages amongst processed meat: 43.5% (5)


Judging by the ‘likelihood of consuming sausages amongst processed meat’, we can see Aussie’s passion for sausages. However the beef consumption likelihood isn’t high. Consequently, there’s only about 8% of chance to grill beef sausages in each BBQ. Despite the fact that I could come up with more assumptions to calculate the probabilities of sausage explosion rate, one case study of colleague A isn’t sufficient to support the calculation further, therefore I folded.

(1) Butchers counts: https://corelist.com.au/butchers-in-australia/

(2) BBQ per household: http://www.roymorgan.com/findings/6752-is-australia-barbecue-hotspot-of-the-world-201604072313

(3) Aussie Demograph: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demography_of_Australia

(4) ABS on Australia Day: https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mediareleasesbyReleaseDate/3FF7CB3E0FE44DE4CA25821F0071F56E?OpenDocument

(5) Statista https://www.statista.com/outlook/40020000/107/processed-meat/australia



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