Pina McWang
Sep 8, 2023

大象與嬰兒 Elephant vs baby

我帶肉拉去一個禮拜一次的娃娃活動課(是這堂課是給還不會爬的娃娃上的),好讓我自己不是每天對著娃娃瘋言瘋語。 在課堂裡指導員說用物體(比如說球)刺激娃娃肌肉的時候是越慢越好,因為這個階段小嬰兒的大腦需要多一點的時間去接受和處理訊息。

I brought Nola to GymbaRoo (‘from brith to crawler’ class) once a week to keep my sanity in a reasonable level. In the class the instructor told us that when using an object (say, a ball) to stimulate a baby’s muscles, the slower the better as it takes longer for babies to receive / process signals in their brains at this stage.


While tenderising Nola’s meat with Thor’s hammer today, it came to mind that elephants are also the type of animal with slow reactions.


Maybe it ain’t so bad to be an elephant.

Nola with Thor’s hammer on her back / 肉拉和在她背上的雷公錘

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