平庸的大人 Mediocre adults
We went to the open day at the Catholic school, and the school tour was given by two year-six students, who were the typical teacher’s pet — and was hard to me to adapt my interaction with them (as I am way too cynical). Later when I was chatting to Mr McWang, I remembered that I was also a goody two-shoes at year-5/-6.
Then I told Mr McWang about me arranging an elementary class reunion as requested by the teacher when I was in uni. The other classmate B who assisted in contacting classmates all the sudden called me and asked what was my impression on classmate so-and-so. I said, not much of an impression (apart from the fact that the whole class called her big-tits mama, I honestly had no memory of her). Classmate B told me that so-and-so hated me for reporting her cheating in front of the whole class, saying that she was a newly transferred student and that she didn’t know about the pop quiz, did not prepare for it so she cheated. This freshly-revealed hatred resulted from something I completely forgot made me feel rather guilty, as I was living blissfully unaware of the hatred which so-and-so had carried with her for over a decade. I asked Mr McWang why is that I was doing the right thing, yet I had to be blamed for it, and had to feel guilty about doing the right thing.
Mr McWang: Snitches get stitches.
Me: Really? You really think that I shouldn’t have done it?
Mr McWang: Let me put it this way — if you didn’t report her, would it be bad for anyone?
Me: Isn’t that unfair to other students who studied and prepared for the quiz?
Mr McWang: Isn’t it the teacher’s job to notice the cheating?
Me: I was the elected class president, I felt it was my job to maintain the order of the class.
Mr McWang: Anyway, snitches get stitches, that’s the rule of playground.
Me: We weren’t at the playground, we were in a classroom!
After being a mum, the hardest concept for me to digest is, we told our kid to do good things, to do the right things. However when seeing others doing the wrong things, look the other way, don’t say a thing. So what are we teaching our kids?
I had been bullied by others in the elementary school for my family not being financially well off like others, but I didn’t decide to revenge the world or think of others in a hateful way. Growing up you learn not to judge a situation from just the outcome, but also the inputs, and you also learn to forgive and forget. So maybe I become mediocre as an adult, as I don’t want to get stitches for snitching.